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Plan now to support people living with dementia to participate in the upcoming election

Thursday, 17 March 2022

With the Federal Election to be announced in the coming months, Dementia Australia is calling on people living with dementia, their families and carers to start the conversation now about voting.

Dementia Australia CEO Maree McCabe AM said capacity to vote is decision specific.

“Every person living with dementia has the right to vote,” Ms McCabe said.

“It is important that people living with dementia, their families and carers start the conversation now along with their doctor to decide together whether they want to vote so their status on the electoral roll can be amended if needed.

“It may be that someone needs support to vote, for example, being reminded to attend their local polling place on the right date or helping them arrange a postal vote or to attend an early voting centre.”

The Australian Electoral Commission provides a range of ‘Easy read guides’ which can assist people living with dementia in simple, clear language on the voting process.

If it is decided that someone is no longer capable of understanding the nature and significance of enrolment and voting, the appropriate form can be completed and submitted through the Australian Electoral Commission to remove them from the electoral roll. The medical certificate on the form must be completed and signed by a registered medical practitioner.

The electoral roll generally closes around one week after an election is called, so starting the conversation now will allow enough time in case any paperwork is required.  

For those impacted by dementia looking to get involved in the lead up to this year’s Federal Election to ensure dementia remains a focus, please join Dementia Australia in asking our political leaders to support Dementia Australia’s 2022-23 Federal Budget submission.  

Visit to find out how you can speak to your local Member of Parliament, Senator or political candidate about improving the quality of dementia care.

Dementia Australia is the source of trusted information, education and services for the estimated half a million Australians living with dementia, and the almost 1.6 million people involved in their care. We advocate for positive change and support vital research. We are here to support people impacted by dementia, and to enable them to live as well as possible. No matter how you are impacted by dementia or who you are, we are here for you.

For support, please contact the National Dementia Helpline on 1800 100 500. An interpreter service is available and the Helpline is open 8am to 8pm Monday to Friday excluding public holidays. The National Dementia Helpline is funded by the Australian Government.


Media contacts: Sarah Richards, Media & Communications Advisor, 0448 341 628,

When talking or writing about dementia please refer to Dementia-Friendly Language Guidelines.

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Last updated
15 December 2023