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Julia Gilmartin

Analgesic use, neuropsychiatric symptoms and quality of life in persons with Alzheimer’s disease and their carers

Portrait of Dr Julia Gilmartin
  • Award

    2013 Rosemary Foundation Travel Award

  • Status


  • Start Date

    1 February 2013

About the project

One of the major objectives for treating people with Alzheimer’s disease at present is to help reduce symptoms and maintain quality of life. It is well known that many people with Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia experience moderate to severe chronic pain, and that analgesic (pain relieving) medication is effective at relieving and controlling this pain and improving quality of life. However, studies have highlighted lower use of analgesics among people with Alzheimer’s disease, despite untreated pain being associated with increased use of health care, and symptoms of agitation and aggression. There has also been limited research on the medicine use of carers of people with dementia, despite reports of depressive symptoms, anticipatory grief, and poor quality of life. Dr Gilmartin aims to investigate how analgesic use is associated with behavioural symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease and quality of life in both the individual with Alzheimer’s disease and their carer. 

Data collected as part of the Finnish ALSOVA study will be analysed, and it is anticipated that the findings of the study will inform Australian health professionals and patients to choose analgesic treatment options with the highest chance of positive outcomes, and therefore improve
the pain management of Australians with Alzheimer’s disease and their carers.

Publications and presentations resulting from award

As part of this grant, Julia spent time at the University of Eastern Finland to undertake a research project and has learnt new skills to bring back to Australia.

She gave a public lecture on her findings at Monash University in mid 2014 titled 'How are analgesics used in people with Alzheimer’s disease?'

Where are they now?

Dr Julia Gilmartin is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Centre for Medicine Use and Safety, Monash University.

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Last updated
19 December 2023